The design team at Aisle Rocket Studios created a Photoshop document. With that PSD I was able to create a fully working webpage. I created the HTML, CSS , Javascript, JSON/AJAX request from scratch.
This is a template that I made from scratch that was based of the prior template at ISU. Working with one other graduate I was able to create a site that pulled in information from ISU stories and events to be organized on a homepage. This site will be the template for all future department sites at CAS-IT TAP.
The biology website has four backgrounds of the Greenhouse here at Illinois State University. During a sunny summer day I was able to take photos of the greenhouse. Editing them in Photoshop I made four unique backgrounds that fit the sites design. The background changes for each time you visit the site.
The School of Communications website is unique due to the animation that I created on the homepage. I was able to use a hover animation on the titles of news to animate in the description. There are also a gif that is active on the hover for the radio station.